Tomorrow Vipul and I will celebrate six years of marriage (and Anlon's 7 month birthday). Here are some of the many reasons why I love my husband.
He speaks God's truth to me when I need to hear it and challenges me to be a more authentic follower of Christ.
He sacrificed belonging, comfort and security to follow what he knows is true.
He is an involved, hands-on father who will teach our son to be an honorable man.
He strives to make the right choices, even when they're difficult or unpopular.
He sees the long-term benefit of sacrifice.
He has consistently put my needs before his own.
He forgives me over and over and over again.
He cares deeply for his friends and values them as life-long relationships.
He desires a simple life and does not live for material possessions.
He makes spending time in God's word his priority and wakes up early each morning to do this.
He asks me to pray for his surgeries.
He always calls me on his way home from work to discuss our days.
He does what he says he will do.
He does not compromise his beliefs.
He is a critical thinker.
He still sends me flowers and plans surprise dates.
Children and animals are drawn to him.
He's a talented artist, singer and writer.
He's helped me to enjoy cooking and has increased my confidence that I'm able to prepare delicious meals.
He makes me feel beautiful even when I look my worst.
He makes me LAUGH harder than anyone else.
He can laugh at himself.
He shows me sides of himself that he doesn't show anyone else.
Despite disappointing circumstances, he presses on and remembers God's promises.
He dreams BIG.
7 hours ago