Monday, June 6, 2011

Multitude Monday

I am thankful:

May 30

130. for the men and women who sacrifice their lives so that I can live in freedom
131. for our enjoyable walk to Hyde Park

May 31

132. for the book Created to be his Help Meet that is speaking volumes to me
133. for the man of faith and integrity I get to call my husband

June 1

134. for a sleeping baby
135. for the wonderful rain - how I love the rain
136. for the honest prayers of four women
137. for a cooler evening

June 2

138. for Anlon's 2 1/2 hr nap this morning!!!
139. for dear friends around the corner and their willingness to help when needed
140. for an opportunity to voice pain

June 3

141. for a moment nursing Anlon with Sebo at my feet
142. that Anlon is so eager to explore his environment
143. for Anlon's laughter that I could listen to forever

June 4

144. that Anlon knows and loves Vipul's parents

145. for a nice night out with Vipul while his parents stayed with the spudling

June 5
146. for Vipul's steadfast faith and how it strengthens mine
147. that I'm in love with my husband

1 comment:

Amber said...

lovely list friend!