Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Multitude Monday

Monday, February 20, 2012

I am thankful:
826. for Vipul's understanding and encouragement on one of the hardest days I've had in a very long time
827. for girlfriends who pray on my behalf
828. that Robyn put Christ's sacrifice into action and met me in my time of need

829. that God provided a new day with renewed strength and hope
830. for a much better night's sleep
831. that Jack ran up to Anlon to give him a hug
832. for the sweet Valentine card, heart-shaped crayon and treats for Anlon from his friends
833. for Anlon giving Tini (Speech Therapist Kristina) so many hugs in a row
834. for receiving the compassion and encouragement that I need in this season of life

835. for God giving me some peace about Anlon's eating since we stopped his appetite stimulant
836. that Anlon gave me so many hugs as we played outside
837. for the beautiful night sky filled with stars
838. that our sleep re-training is working so well and we are hopefully going to get back to sleeping through the night
839. for lunch with a sweet friend
It's pretty funny that Austin is eating a plate of veggies and fruit while Anlon has a 4-cheese egg quiche.

840. that my husband spoke convicting truth to me - and I truly appreciate this

841. that Anlon had so much fun playing in the rain
842. that although Anlon lost 9 oz in 2 weeks since stopping the appetite stimulant, his appetite quickly returned after we restarted this medication
843. for discovering a new dish that Anlon devoured (ground beef, egg, whole wheat bread and spaghetti sauce cooked together)
843. for moments that just fill my heart with all that is good

844. for the thoughtful gift my mom brought Anlon
845. for a great time at the park
846. that my mom and I were able to have a girls' night out

847. for a message from our pastor that I definitely needed to hear
848. that Anlon said "Nana" for the first time (and multiple times)!!!
849. for how loved Anlon is by his grandparents
850. for how Bennett sweetly hugged Anlon tonight


Carolina said...

So glad you started your list again! Such beautiful pictures to go along with each thing you're thankful for. And by the way the 4 egg quiche is delicious and that would be my pick too :) Love you and thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

So much I love about this post! The ones about your mom bring tears to my eyes. Love the picture of God's redemption that you both are... and reminds me of my relationship with my mom. So thankful for #840 too. God knew the kind of husbands we would need to continue growing us as wives. Miss you so much!