Monday, May 9, 2011

May 2, 2011

I am thankful:

67. that God made Vipul exactly who he is
68. for finding a great babystter so we could go out for Vipul's birthday

May 3

69. for the blue bird on our patio wall
70. for my husband, although an imperfect person, the greatest man I've ever known

May 4

71. that Anlon ate 2 yogurts in 1 sitting
72. for the wonderful women in Anlon's Bible Study Fellowship class and how they care for him
73. for having more continuing education credits than I thought I had

May 5

74. that Anlon did so well during his doctor's appointment
75. that although we have concerns, Anlon is healthy
76. that Vipul is so much help in the evenings
77. that I can begin again tomorrow

May 6

78. for the roses Vipul surprised me with after the most difficult day I've had in a long time

May 7

79. for my Aunt Jane
80. for the blue bird that made me smile
81. for Carolina's friendship

May 8

82. for the blinding ray of sun hitting my face as I was making coffee, reminding me of God's goodness in a new morning
83. for the sweet card Vipul gave me
84. for a nap
85. for an enjoyable dinner with the Johnstons
86. for prayer with Vipul on the floor outside of Anlon's room

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